Source code for wtforms.ext.appengine.ndb

Form generation utilities for App Engine's new ``ndb.Model`` class.

The goal of ``model_form()`` is to provide a clean, explicit and predictable
way to create forms based on ``ndb.Model`` classes. No malabarism or black
magic should be necessary to generate a form for models, and to add custom
non-model related fields: ``model_form()`` simply generates a form class
that can be used as it is, or that can be extended directly or even be used
to create other forms using ``model_form()``.

Example usage:

.. code-block:: python

   from google.appengine.ext import ndb
   from wtforms.ext.appengine.ndb import model_form

   # Define an example model and add a record.
   class Contact(ndb.Model):
       name = ndb.StringProperty(required=True)
       city = ndb.StringProperty()
       age = ndb.IntegerProperty(required=True)
       is_admin = ndb.BooleanProperty(default=False)

   new_entity = Contact(key_name='test', name='Test Name', age=17)

   # Generate a form based on the model.
   ContactForm = model_form(Contact)

   # Get a form populated with entity data.
   entity = Contact.get_by_key_name('test')
   form = ContactForm(obj=entity)

Properties from the model can be excluded from the generated form, or it can
include just a set of properties. For example:

.. code-block:: python

   # Generate a form based on the model, excluding 'city' and 'is_admin'.
   ContactForm = model_form(Contact, exclude=('city', 'is_admin'))

   # or...

   # Generate a form based on the model, only including 'name' and 'age'.
   ContactForm = model_form(Contact, only=('name', 'age'))

The form can be generated setting field arguments:

.. code-block:: python

   ContactForm = model_form(Contact, only=('name', 'age'), field_args={
       'name': {
           'label': 'Full name',
           'description': 'Your name',
       'age': {
           'label': 'Age',
           'validators': [validators.NumberRange(min=14, max=99)],

The class returned by ``model_form()`` can be used as a base class for forms
mixing non-model fields and/or other model forms. For example:

.. code-block:: python

   # Generate a form based on the model.
   BaseContactForm = model_form(Contact)

   # Generate a form based on other model.
   ExtraContactForm = model_form(MyOtherModel)

   class ContactForm(BaseContactForm):
       # Add an extra, non-model related field.
       subscribe_to_news = f.BooleanField()

       # Add the other model form as a subform.
       extra = f.FormField(ExtraContactForm)

The class returned by ``model_form()`` can also extend an existing form

.. code-block:: python

   class BaseContactForm(Form):
       # Add an extra, non-model related field.
       subscribe_to_news = f.BooleanField()

   # Generate a form based on the model.
   ContactForm = model_form(Contact, base_class=BaseContactForm)

from wtforms import Form, validators, fields as f
from wtforms.compat import string_types
from wtforms.ext.appengine.fields import GeoPtPropertyField, KeyPropertyField, StringListPropertyField, IntegerListPropertyField

def get_TextField(kwargs):
    Returns a ``TextField``, applying the ``ndb.StringProperty`` length limit
    of 500 bytes.
    return f.TextField(**kwargs)

def get_IntegerField(kwargs):
    Returns an ``IntegerField``, applying the ``ndb.IntegerProperty`` range
    v = validators.NumberRange(min=-0x8000000000000000, max=0x7fffffffffffffff)
    return f.IntegerField(**kwargs)

class ModelConverterBase(object):
    def __init__(self, converters=None):
        Constructs the converter, setting the converter callables.

        :param converters:
            A dictionary of converter callables for each property type. The
            callable must accept the arguments (model, prop, kwargs).
        self.converters = {}

        for name in dir(self):
            if not name.startswith('convert_'):
            self.converters[name[8:]] = getattr(self, name)

    def convert(self, model, prop, field_args):
        Returns a form field for a single model property.

        :param model:
            The ``db.Model`` class that contains the property.
        :param prop:
            The model property: a ``db.Property`` instance.
        :param field_args:
            Optional keyword arguments to construct the field.

        prop_type_name = type(prop).__name__

        # Check for generic property
        if(prop_type_name == "GenericProperty"):
            # Try to get type from field args
            generic_type = field_args.get("type")
            if generic_type:
                prop_type_name = field_args.get("type")

            # If no type is found, the generic property uses string set in convert_GenericProperty

        kwargs = {
            'label': prop._code_name.replace('_', ' ').title(),
            'default': prop._default,
            'validators': [],
        if field_args:

        if prop._required and prop_type_name not in self.NO_AUTO_REQUIRED:

        if kwargs.get('choices', None):
            # Use choices in a select field.
            kwargs['choices'] = [(v, v) for v in kwargs.get('choices')]
            return f.SelectField(**kwargs)

        if prop._choices:
            # Use choices in a select field.
            kwargs['choices'] = [(v, v) for v in prop._choices]
            return f.SelectField(**kwargs)

            converter = self.converters.get(prop_type_name, None)
            if converter is not None:
                return converter(model, prop, kwargs)
                return self.fallback_converter(model, prop, kwargs)

class ModelConverter(ModelConverterBase):
    Converts properties from a ``ndb.Model`` class to form fields.

    Default conversions between properties and fields:

    | Property subclass  | Field subclass    | datatype     | notes            |
    | StringProperty     | TextField         | unicode      | TextArea         | repeated support
    |                    |                   |              | if multiline     |
    | BooleanProperty    | BooleanField      | bool         |                  |
    | IntegerProperty    | IntegerField      | int or long  |                  | repeated support
    | FloatProperty      | TextField         | float        |                  |
    | DateTimeProperty   | DateTimeField     | datetime     | skipped if       |
    |                    |                   |              | auto_now[_add]   |
    | DateProperty       | DateField         | date         | skipped if       |
    |                    |                   |              | auto_now[_add]   |
    | TimeProperty       | DateTimeField     | time         | skipped if       |
    |                    |                   |              | auto_now[_add]   |
    | TextProperty       | TextAreaField     | unicode      |                  |
    | GeoPtProperty      | TextField         | db.GeoPt     |                  |
    | KeyProperty        | KeyProperyField   | ndb.Key      |                  |
    | BlobKeyProperty    | None              | ndb.BlobKey  | always skipped   |
    | UserProperty       | None              | users.User   | always skipped   |
    | StructuredProperty | None              | ndb.Model    | always skipped   |
    | LocalStructuredPro | None              | ndb.Model    | always skipped   |
    | JsonProperty       | TextField         | unicode      |                  |
    | PickleProperty     | None              | bytedata     | always skipped   |
    | GenericProperty    | None              | generic      | always skipped   |
    | ComputedProperty   | none              |              | always skipped   |

    # Don't automatically add a required validator for these properties
    NO_AUTO_REQUIRED = frozenset(['ListProperty', 'StringListProperty', 'BooleanProperty'])

    def convert_StringProperty(self, model, prop, kwargs):
        """Returns a form field for a ``ndb.StringProperty``."""
        if prop._repeated:
            return StringListPropertyField(**kwargs)
        return get_TextField(kwargs)

    def convert_BooleanProperty(self, model, prop, kwargs):
        """Returns a form field for a ``ndb.BooleanProperty``."""
        return f.BooleanField(**kwargs)

    def convert_IntegerProperty(self, model, prop, kwargs):
        """Returns a form field for a ``ndb.IntegerProperty``."""
        if prop._repeated:
            return IntegerListPropertyField(**kwargs)
        return get_IntegerField(kwargs)

    def convert_FloatProperty(self, model, prop, kwargs):
        """Returns a form field for a ``ndb.FloatProperty``."""
        return f.FloatField(**kwargs)

    def convert_DateTimeProperty(self, model, prop, kwargs):
        """Returns a form field for a ``ndb.DateTimeProperty``."""
        if prop._auto_now or prop._auto_now_add:
            return None

        return f.DateTimeField(format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', **kwargs)

    def convert_DateProperty(self, model, prop, kwargs):
        """Returns a form field for a ``ndb.DateProperty``."""
        if prop._auto_now or prop._auto_now_add:
            return None

        return f.DateField(format='%Y-%m-%d', **kwargs)

    def convert_TimeProperty(self, model, prop, kwargs):
        """Returns a form field for a ``ndb.TimeProperty``."""
        if prop._auto_now or prop._auto_now_add:
            return None

        return f.DateTimeField(format='%H:%M:%S', **kwargs)

    def convert_RepeatedProperty(self, model, prop, kwargs):
        """Returns a form field for a ``ndb.ListProperty``."""
        return None

    def convert_UserProperty(self, model, prop, kwargs):
        """Returns a form field for a ``ndb.UserProperty``."""
        return None

    def convert_StructuredProperty(self, model, prop, kwargs):
        """Returns a form field for a ``ndb.ListProperty``."""
        return None

    def convert_LocalStructuredProperty(self, model, prop, kwargs):
        """Returns a form field for a ``ndb.ListProperty``."""
        return None

    def convert_JsonProperty(self, model, prop, kwargs):
        """Returns a form field for a ``ndb.ListProperty``."""
        return None

    def convert_PickleProperty(self, model, prop, kwargs):
        """Returns a form field for a ``ndb.ListProperty``."""
        return None

    def convert_GenericProperty(self, model, prop, kwargs):
        """Returns a form field for a ``ndb.ListProperty``."""
        return get_TextField(kwargs)

    def convert_BlobKeyProperty(self, model, prop, kwargs):
        """Returns a form field for a ``ndb.BlobKeyProperty``."""
        return f.FileField(**kwargs)

    def convert_TextProperty(self, model, prop, kwargs):
        """Returns a form field for a ``ndb.TextProperty``."""
        return f.TextAreaField(**kwargs)

    def convert_ComputedProperty(self, model, prop, kwargs):
        """Returns a form field for a ``ndb.ComputedProperty``."""
        return None

    def convert_GeoPtProperty(self, model, prop, kwargs):
        """Returns a form field for a ``ndb.GeoPtProperty``."""
        return GeoPtPropertyField(**kwargs)

    def convert_KeyProperty(self, model, prop, kwargs):
        """Returns a form field for a ``ndb.KeyProperty``."""
        if 'reference_class' not in kwargs:
                reference_class = prop._kind
            except AttributeError:
                reference_class = prop._reference_class

            if isinstance(reference_class, string_types):
                # reference class is a string, try to retrieve the model object.
                mod = __import__(model.__module__, None, None, [reference_class], 0)
                reference_class = getattr(mod, reference_class)
            kwargs['reference_class'] = reference_class
        kwargs.setdefault('allow_blank', not prop._required)
        return KeyPropertyField(**kwargs)

def model_fields(model, only=None, exclude=None, field_args=None,
    Extracts and returns a dictionary of form fields for a given
    ``db.Model`` class.

    :param model:
        The ``db.Model`` class to extract fields from.
    :param only:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be included in
        the form. Only these properties will have fields.
    :param exclude:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be excluded
        from the form. All other properties will have fields.
    :param field_args:
        An optional dictionary of field names mapping to a keyword arguments
        used to construct each field object.
    :param converter:
        A converter to generate the fields based on the model properties. If
        not set, ``ModelConverter`` is used.
    converter = converter or ModelConverter()
    field_args = field_args or {}

    # Get the field names we want to include or exclude, starting with the
    # full list of model properties.
    props = model._properties
    field_names = list(x[0] for x in sorted(props.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]._creation_counter))

    if only:
        field_names = list(f for f in only if f in field_names)
    elif exclude:
        field_names = list(f for f in field_names if f not in exclude)

    # Create all fields.
    field_dict = {}
    for name in field_names:
        field = converter.convert(model, props[name], field_args.get(name))
        if field is not None:
            field_dict[name] = field

    return field_dict

[docs]def model_form(model, base_class=Form, only=None, exclude=None, field_args=None, converter=None): """ Creates and returns a dynamic ``wtforms.Form`` class for a given ``ndb.Model`` class. The form class can be used as it is or serve as a base for extended form classes, which can then mix non-model related fields, subforms with other model forms, among other possibilities. :param model: The ``ndb.Model`` class to generate a form for. :param base_class: Base form class to extend from. Must be a ``wtforms.Form`` subclass. :param only: An optional iterable with the property names that should be included in the form. Only these properties will have fields. :param exclude: An optional iterable with the property names that should be excluded from the form. All other properties will have fields. :param field_args: An optional dictionary of field names mapping to keyword arguments used to construct each field object. :param converter: A converter to generate the fields based on the model properties. If not set, ``ModelConverter`` is used. """ # Extract the fields from the model. field_dict = model_fields(model, only, exclude, field_args, converter) # Return a dynamically created form class, extending from base_class and # including the created fields as properties. return type(model._get_kind() + 'Form', (base_class,), field_dict)